1 | Ensol | 10 | 35 | 250% | 25 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | goensol.com |
2 | Mistral AI | 66 | 208 | 215% | 142 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | mistral.ai |
3 | Cureety | 19 | 51 | 168% | 32 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | cureety.com |
4 | Akteo | 10 | 24 | 140% | 14 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Pays de la Loire | akteo.fr |
5 | Sirius Space services | 37 | 86 | 132% | 29 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | sirius-space.com |
6 | Ynstant | 10 | 23 | 130% | 13 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | ynstant.com |
7 | La Bellenergie | 28 | 64 | 129% | 36 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | labellenergie.fr |
8 | Sitaci | 18 | 41 | 128% | 23 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Pays de la Loire | sitaci.fr |
9 | Konectiv | 20 | 45 | 125% | 25 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | konectiv.fr |
10 | Zeliq | 16 | 35 | 119% | 19 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | zeliq.com |
11 | Le Vapoteur Discount | 18 | 39 | 117% | 21 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Hauts-de-France | levapoteur-discount.fr |
12 | Dust | 20 | 42 | 110% | 22 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | dust.tt |
13 | Flowie | 11 | 23 | 109% | 12 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | get-flowie.com |
14 | Klara | 22 | 45 | 105% | 23 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | klarahr.com |
15 | DinMo | 10 | 20 | 100% | 12 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | dinmo.com |
16 | Qevlar AI | 10 | 20 | 100% | 10 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | qevlar.com |
17 | Kotzilla | 10 | 20 | 100% | 10 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | kotzilla.io |
18 | Comand AI | 10 | 20 | 100% | 10 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | comand.ai |
19 | Kelvin | 13 | 25 | 92% | 12 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | kelvin.eco |
20 | Pictarine | 39 | 75 | 92% | 36 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Occitanie | pictarine.com |
21 | Otoqi | 113 | 215 | 90% | 102 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | otoqi.com |
22 | Webyn | 10 | 19 | 90% | 9 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | webyn.ai |
23 | Scalability | 15 | 28 | 87% | 13 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | getscalability.io |
24 | Publidata | 10 | 18 | 80% | 8 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | publidata.io |
25 | Deblock | 39 | 70 | 79% | 31 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | deblock.fr |
26 | Feedgy | 48 | 86 | 79% | 38 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | feedgy.solar |
27 | Ask For The Moon | 18 | 32 | 78% | 14 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | askforthemoon.com |
28 | MaiaSpace | 98 | 173 | 77% | 75 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | maia-space.com |
29 | Dattak | 20 | 35 | 75% | 15 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | dattak.io |
30 | Photoroom | 263 | 454 | 73% | 191 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | photoroom.com |
31 | Impulse Analytics | 18 | 31 | 72% | 13 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | impulse-analytics.com |
32 | Corma | 13 | 22 | 69% | 9 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | corma.io |
33 | StrangeBee | 25 | 42 | 68% | 17 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | strangebee.com |
34 | Aurobac Therapeutics | 15 | 25 | 67% | 10 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | aurobac-tx.com |
35 | Bulldozer | 90 | 148 | 64% | 58 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | bulldozer-collective.com |
36 | Swish | 28 | 46 | 64% | 18 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | swishforgood.com |
37 | Kiln | 72 | 117 | 63% | 45 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | kilnco.com |
38 | Moon surgical | 53 | 86 | 62% | 33 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | moonsurgical.com |
39 | Sopht | 21 | 34 | 62% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | sopht.com |
40 | Najar | 49 | 79 | 61% | 30 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | najar.ai |
41 | KoralPlay | 28 | 45 | 61% | 17 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Pays de la Loire | koralplay.com |
42 | PimpUp | 10 | 16 | 60% | 10 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Occitanie | pimpup-antigaspi.fr |
43 | Bsport | 79 | 138 | 75% | 74 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | bsport.io |
44 | Raidium | 12 | 19 | 58% | 7 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | raidium.com |
45 | Objow | 21 | 33 | 57% | 12 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | objow.com |
46 | Comptastar | 83 | 130 | 57% | 47 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | comptastar.fr |
47 | Cercle des Langues | 41 | 64 | 56% | 23 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | cercledeslangues.com |
48 | Datacraft | 11 | 17 | 55% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | datacraft.paris |
49 | Abraxio | 22 | 34 | 55% | 12 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | abraxio.com |
50 | The Exploration Company | 122 | 188 | 54% | 66 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | exploration.company |
51 | Skyvisor | 12 | 18 | 50% | 6 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | skyvisor.fr |
52 | Lemlist | 64 | 96 | 50% | 32 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | lemlist.com |
53 | Faircraft | 12 | 18 | 50% | 6 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | faircraft.bio |
54 | La Fabrik À ID | 20 | 30 | 50% | 10 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Grand Est | lfaid.fr |
55 | Syrona | 14 | 21 | 50% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | syrona.co |
56 | Morpho Labs | 28 | 42 | 50% | 14 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | morpho.xyz |
57 | La Forge | 10 | 15 | 50% | 5 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | la-forge.ai |
58 | Flitter | 12 | 18 | 50% | 6 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | flitter.fr |
59 | SkillCorner | 53 | 79 | 49% | 26 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | skillcorner.fr |
60 | MAIF VIE | 53 | 79 | 49% | 26 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | maif.fr |
61 | Payflows | 31 | 46 | 48% | 15 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | payflows.io |
62 | VorteX-io | 29 | 43 | 48% | 14 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Occitanie | vortex-io.fr |
63 | Enovacom | 316 | 467 | 48% | 151 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | enovacom.fr |
64 | Interstis | 35 | 62 | 77% | 27 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | www.interstis.fr |
65 | Electra | 85 | 125 | 47% | 40 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | go-electra.com |
66 | Rivrs | 26 | 38 | 46% | 12 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Bretagne | rivrs.io |
67 | Rudder | 13 | 19 | 46% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | rudder.io |
68 | Qantev | 50 | 73 | 46% | 23 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | qantev.com |
69 | Zoï | 61 | 89 | 46% | 28 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | zoi.fr |
70 | Eben Home | 11 | 16 | 45% | 5 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | ebenhome.co |
71 | Elax Energy | 31 | 45 | 45% | 14 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | elaxEnergy.com |
72 | Netwo | 36 | 52 | 44% | 16 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | netwo.io |
73 | Médias France | 45 | 65 | 44% | 20 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | medias-france.fr |
74 | Alpagga | 27 | 39 | 44% | 12 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | alpagga.com |
75 | Blank | 169 | 244 | 44% | 75 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | blank.app |
76 | Sis ID | 52 | 75 | 44% | 23 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | sis-id.com |
77 | Lokki | 32 | 46 | 44% | 14 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | lokki.rent |
78 | Pigment | 372 | 534 | 44% | 162 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | gopigment.com |
79 | Unseenlabs | 69 | 99 | 43% | 30 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Bretagne | unseenlabs.space |
80 | iSupplier | 14 | 20 | 43% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | isupplier.fr |
81 | Inetum Software | 119 | 170 | 43% | 51 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | inetum.com |
82 | Nutripure | 33 | 47 | 42% | 14 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Occitanie | nutripure.fr |
83 | Benefiz | 38 | 54 | 42% | 16 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Hauts-de-France | benefiz.fr |
84 | Elax Energie | 31 | 44 | 42% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | elaxenergie.com |
85 | WeeFin | 55 | 78 | 42% | 23 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | weefin.co |
86 | Onafis | 24 | 34 | 42% | 10 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Pays de la Loire | onafis.com |
87 | Akur8 | 116 | 164 | 41% | 48 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | akur8.com |
88 | Indy | 199 | 281 | 41% | 82 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | indy.fr |
89 | Aklice & bob | 88 | 124 | 41% | 36 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | alice-bob.com |
90 | Clever Cloud | 54 | 76 | 41% | 22 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Pays de la Loire | clever-cloud.com |
91 | Evertrust | 27 | 38 | 41% | 11 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | evertrust.fr |
92 | Homa | 456 | 639 | 40% | 183 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | homagames.com |
93 | Spacefill | 20 | 28 | 40% | 8 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | spacefill.eu |
94 | Lite | 10 | 14 | 40% | 4 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | Lite.eco |
95 | Oliverlist | 25 | 35 | 40% | 10 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | oliverlist.com |
96 | Pulsover | 10 | 14 | 40% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | pulsover.com |
97 | Henley IT | 20 | 28 | 40% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | henley-it.com |
98 | Cilcare | 33 | 46 | 39% | 13 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Occitanie | cilcare.com |
99 | Idakto | 36 | 50 | 39% | 14 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | idakto.com |
100 | Onepilot | 68 | 94 | 38% | 26 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | onepilot.co |
101 | Greenly | 170 | 235 | 38% | 65 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | greenly.earth |
102 | Kikleo | 34 | 47 | 38% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | kikleo.com |
103 | Elements | 34 | 47 | 38% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | elements-apps.com |
104 | Carbometrix | 21 | 29 | 38% | 8 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | carbometrix.com |
105 | Toutapprendre | 29 | 40 | 38% | 11 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | toutapprendre.com |
106 | Optimum Tracker | 29 | 40 | 38% | 11 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | optimum-tracker.com |
107 | Mozzaik365 | 32 | 44 | 38% | 12 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | mozzaik365.com |
108 | Vensolair | 59 | 81 | 37% | 22 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Occitanie | vensolair.com |
109 | Photosol | 164 | 225 | 37% | 61 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | photosol.fr |
110 | DIGITALISIM | 22 | 30 | 36% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | digitalisim.fr |
111 | Waro | 11 | 15 | 36% | 4 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | waro.io |
112 | Upway | 55 | 75 | 36% | 20 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | upway.fr |
113 | e-Totem | 58 | 79 | 36% | 21 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | e-totem.fr |
114 | Look Up Space | 25 | 34 | 36% | 9 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Occitanie | lookupspace.com |
115 | Voltaïca | 45 | 61 | 36% | 16 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Corse | voltaica.fr |
116 | Omi | 76 | 103 | 36% | 27 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | omi.so |
117 | Toporder | 17 | 23 | 35% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | toporder.com |
118 | Capsens | 37 | 50 | 35% | 13 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | capsens.eu |
119 | Elyse Energy | 57 | 77 | 35% | 20 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | elyse.energy |
120 | Stoïk | 63 | 85 | 35% | 22 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | stoikconstructiondesign.com |
121 | Aktio | 23 | 31 | 35% | 8 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | aktio.cc |
122 | Quandela | 78 | 105 | 35% | 27 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | quandela.com |
123 | Eurofiber France | 90 | 121 | 34% | 31 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Hauts-de-France | eurofiber.com |
124 | Pennylane | 447 | 599 | 34% | 152 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | pennylane.tech |
125 | Arnest | 62 | 83 | 34% | 21 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | arnest-engineering.com |
126 | Driiveme | 60 | 80 | 33% | 20 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | driiveme.com |
127 | CIXI | 60 | 80 | 33% | 20 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | cixi.life |
128 | Descartes & Mauss | 15 | 20 | 33% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | descartesmauss.ai |
129 | Glanceable | 15 | 20 | 33% | 5 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | glanceable.io |
130 | kapptivate | 18 | 24 | 33% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | kapptivate.com |
131 | MYM | 227 | 302 | 33% | 75 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | mym.fans |
132 | Manda | 143 | 190 | 33% | 47 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | manda.fr |
133 | Hubency | 64 | 85 | 33% | 21 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | hubency.com |
134 | Omnidoc | 28 | 37 | 32% | 9 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | omnidoc.fr |
135 | Sweetch Energy | 44 | 58 | 32% | 14 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Bretagne | sweetch.energy |
136 | Global Blue France | 19 | 25 | 32% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | globalblue.com |
137 | WhiteLab Genomics | 32 | 42 | 31% | 10 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | whitelabgx.com |
138 | United Heroes | 61 | 80 | 31% | 19 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | united-heroes.com/fr |
139 | Docorga | 29 | 38 | 31% | 9 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | docorga.com |
140 | Hello Syndic | 142 | 186 | 31% | 44 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | hello-syndic.fr |
141 | Girasole Energies | 49 | 64 | 31% | 15 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | girasole-energies.com |
142 | Swan | 226 | 295 | 31% | 69 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | swan.io |
143 | Tiko Services | 23 | 30 | 30% | 7 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | tiko.fr |
144 | Aqemia | 53 | 69 | 30% | 16 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | aqemia.com |
145 | PraxySanté | 10 | 13 | 30% | 3 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | praxysante.fr |
146 | Opteamis | 50 | 65 | 30% | 15 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | opteamis.com |
147 | Mendo | 20 | 26 | 30% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | mendo.ai |
148 | CryptoNext Security | 20 | 26 | 30% | 6 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | cryptonext-security.com |
149 | Malou | 50 | 65 | 30% | 15 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | malou.io |
150 | Tarmac Technologies | 10 | 13 | 30% | 3 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | tarmactechnologies.com |
151 | Dashdoc | 67 | 87 | 30% | 20 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | dashdoc.eu |
152 | Opsynet | 17 | 22 | 29% | 5 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | opsynet.fr |
153 | Icare Energie | 17 | 22 | 29% | 5 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | icare-energie.fr |
154 | Viva Technology | 35 | 45 | 29% | 10 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | viva-technology.com |
155 | Sweep | 148 | 190 | 28% | 42 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | sweep.net |
156 | Activinnov | 18 | 23 | 28% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | activinnov.com |
157 | Quantiq | 18 | 23 | 28% | 5 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | quantiq.io |
158 | Cashbee | 18 | 23 | 28% | 5 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | cashbee.fr |
159 | Hexa | 65 | 83 | 28% | 18 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | hexa.com |
160 | I-TRACING | 550 | 700 | 27% | 150 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | i-tracing.com |
161 | Smartbox France | 44 | 56 | 27% | 12 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | smartbox.com |
162 | Auriga – Infinie Technologie | 22 | 28 | 27% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | auriga.fr |
163 | Resilience | 147 | 187 | 27% | 40 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | resilience.org |
164 | SiPearl | 130 | 165 | 27% | 35 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | sipearl.com |
165 | Marketparts | 26 | 33 | 27% | 7 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | marketparts.com |
166 | Madbox | 93 | 118 | 27% | 25 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | madboxgames.io |
167 | Wakeo | 56 | 71 | 27% | 15 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | wakeo.co |
168 | Avant De Cliquer | 45 | 57 | 27% | 12 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Normandie | avantdecliquer.com |
169 | Expliseat | 68 | 86 | 26% | 18 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | expliseat.com |
170 | Skello | 260 | 328 | 26% | 68 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | skello.io |
171 | Langa international | 46 | 58 | 26% | 12 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | Langa-international.com |
172 | Kénora | 27 | 34 | 26% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Grand Est | kenora.fr |
173 | Growth Room | 35 | 44 | 26% | 9 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | growthroom.co |
174 | Edflex | 74 | 93 | 26% | 19 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | edflex.com |
175 | TreeFrog Therapeutics | 133 | 167 | 26% | 34 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | treefrog.fr |
176 | Hello Pomelo | 87 | 109 | 25% | 22 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | hello-pomelo.com |
177 | Neosilver | 95 | 119 | 25% | 24 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | neosilver.fr |
178 | Ferway | 12 | 15 | 25% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | ferway.co |
179 | Waalaxy | 120 | 150 | 25% | 30 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | waalaxy.com |
180 | Interactiv’ Technologies | 20 | 25 | 25% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | interactiv-technologies.com |
181 | ISYBUY | 24 | 30 | 25% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | isybuy.com |
182 | Affilae | 40 | 50 | 25% | 10 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | affilae.com |
183 | N2F | 53 | 66 | 25% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | n2f.com |
184 | Diabolocom | 98 | 122 | 24% | 24 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | www.diabolocom.com |
185 | Abby | 45 | 56 | 24% | 11 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Grand Est | link.abby.fr |
186 | eXalt | 820 | 1020 | 24% | 200 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | exalt-company.com |
187 | Pixee Medical | 42 | 52 | 24% | 10 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | pixee-medical.com |
188 | Billiv | 21 | 26 | 24% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | billiv.fr |
189 | WizVille | 34 | 42 | 24% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | wizville.com |
190 | NUTRAVALIA | 51 | 63 | 24% | 12 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | nutrivalia.com |
191 | Stockly | 81 | 100 | 23% | 19 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | stockly.ai |
192 | Capitole Energy | 30 | 37 | 23% | 7 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Occitanie | capitole-Energy.com |
193 | Bee2link group | 82 | 101 | 23% | 19 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | bee2linkgroup.com |
194 | Jalios | 82 | 101 | 23% | 19 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | jalios.com |
195 | Unlikely | 26 | 32 | 23% | 6 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | unlikely.technology |
196 | Workelo | 26 | 32 | 23% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | workelo.eu |
197 | Animaj | 57 | 70 | 23% | 13 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | animaj.com |
198 | Oxalys | 53 | 65 | 23% | 12 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | oxalys.fr |
199 | Sigrenea | 31 | 38 | 23% | 7 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Centre Val de Loire | sigrenea.com |
200 | Karos Mobility | 31 | 38 | 23% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | karos.fr |
201 | Ohm Energie | 135 | 165 | 22% | 30 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | ohm-energie.com |
202 | Displayce | 27 | 50 | 85% | 23 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | displayce.com |
203 | Doing | 36 | 44 | 22% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | doing.fr |
204 | EMA | 18 | 22 | 22% | 4 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | ema.fr |
205 | Agorastore | 77 | 94 | 22% | 17 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | agorastore.fr |
206 | Posos | 59 | 72 | 22% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | posos.fr |
207 | Adikteev | 97 | 118 | 22% | 21,24 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | adikteev.com |
208 | ZE Energy | 41 | 50 | 22% | 9 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | ze-energy.com |
209 | Incenteev | 23 | 28 | 22% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | incenteev.com |
210 | Wiremind | 83 | 101 | 22% | 18 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | wiremind.io |
211 | Teale | 74 | 90 | 22% | 16 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | teale.fr |
212 | Soeman | 14 | 17 | 21% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | soeman.fr |
213 | Qucit | 14 | 17 | 21% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | qucit.com |
214 | Niryo | 33 | 40 | 21% | 7 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Hauts-de-France | niryo.com |
215 | NW | 236 | 286 | 21% | 50 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | nw.de |
216 | Menlog | 38 | 46 | 21% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Bretagne | menlog.com |
217 | OneFlash | 43 | 52 | 21% | 9 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | oneflash.fr |
218 | OneStock | 111 | 134 | 21% | 23 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | onestock.com.au |
219 | PerfectStay | 107 | 129 | 21% | 22 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | perfectstay.com |
220 | YesWeHack | 292 | 352 | 21% | 60 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | yeswehack.com |
221 | GT Company | 39 | 47 | 21% | 8 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | gtcompany.fr |
222 | Datashake | 49 | 59 | 20% | 10 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | datashake.fr |
223 | Smart Global Governance | 54 | 65 | 20% | 11 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | smartglobalgovernance.com |
224 | EKonsilio | 74 | 89 | 20% | 15 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Pays de la Loire | ekonsilio.fr |
225 | Sparteo | 75 | 90 | 20% | 21 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Hauts-de-France | corporate.sparteo.com |
226 | Kanta | 50 | 60 | 20% | 10 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Normandie | kanta.fr |
227 | Talkspirit | 30 | 36 | 20% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | talkspirit.com |
228 | Reelevant | 10 | 12 | 20% | 2 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | reelevant.com |
229 | Octomine | 10 | 12 | 20% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | octomine.com |
230 | Netcarbon | 10 | 12 | 20% | 2 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | netcarbon.fr |
231 | Bump | 10 | 12 | 20% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Pays de la Loire | bump.sh |
232 | TriPica | 65 | 78 | 20% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | tripica.com |
233 | Doctrine | 137 | 164 | 20% | 27 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | doctrine.fr |
234 | Weezevent | 92 | 110 | 20% | 18 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | weezevent.com |
235 | Hublo | 340 | 405 | 19% | 65 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | hublo.net |
236 | Ekimetrics | 414 | 493 | 19% | 79 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | ekimetrics.com |
237 | Arenametrix | 42 | 50 | 19% | 8 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | arenametrix.com |
238 | Fairly Made | 63 | 75 | 19% | 12 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | fairlymade.com |
239 | Ray Studios | 21 | 25 | 19% | 4 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | ray-studios.com |
240 | Deepbloo | 16 | 19 | 19% | 3 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Occitanie | deepbloo.com |
241 | Ultra Premium | 119 | 141 | 18% | 22 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | ultrapremiumdirect.com |
242 | Hellowork | 579 | 685 | 18% | 106 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Bretagne | hellowork.com |
243 | Descartes Underwriting | 175 | 207 | 18% | 32 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | descartesunderwriting.com |
244 | Inbolt | 22 | 26 | 18% | 4 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | inbolt.fr |
245 | Mailinblack | 110 | 130 | 18% | 20 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | mailinblack.com |
246 | Materrup | 11 | 13 | 18% | 2 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | materrup.com |
247 | Évole Énergies | 66 | 78 | 18% | 12 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | evole-energies.fr |
248 | Ouihelp | 435 | 513 | 18% | 78 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | ouihelp.fr |
249 | Ramify | 17 | 20 | 18% | 3 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | ramify.fr |
250 | Sowefund | 34 | 40 | 18% | 6 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | sowefund.com |
251 | Greenspot | 51 | 60 | 18% | 9 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | greenspot.fr |
252 | Volta Medical | 114 | 134 | 18% | 20 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | volta-medical.com |
253 | Konexio | 40 | 47 | 18% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | konexio.eu |
254 | BK Systèmes | 63 | 74 | 17% | 11 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | bksystemes.fr |
255 | Scalizer | 23 | 27 | 17% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Pays de la Loire | scalizer.fr |
256 | MyUnisoft | 110 | 129 | 17% | 19 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | myunisoft.fr |
257 | Harfanglab | 87 | 102 | 17% | 15 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | harfanglab.io |
258 | Epigene Labs | 29 | 34 | 17% | 5 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | epigenelabs.com |
259 | Centreon | 122 | 143 | 17% | 21 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | centreon.com |
260 | ASSIA Plateforme Santé & Assurance | 70 | 82 | 17% | 12 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Bretagne | assia.fr |
261 | Driveco | 152 | 178 | 17% | 26 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | driveco.com |
262 | Mercateam | 41 | 48 | 17% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | mercateam.fr |
263 | Weglot | 47 | 55 | 17% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | weglot.com |
264 | Notify AI | 47 | 55 | 17% | 8 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | fr.notify-group.com |
265 | Factem | 47 | 55 | 17% | 8 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Normandie | factem.com |
266 | Dunasys Ingénierie | 53 | 62 | 17% | 9 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | dunasys.com |
267 | Waat | 189 | 221 | 17% | 32 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | waat.eu |
268 | Bigblue | 95 | 111 | 17% | 16 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Occitanie | bigblue.co |
269 | Fichorga | 125 | 146 | 17% | 21 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Hauts-de-France | fichorga.fr |
270 | Free Pro | 530 | 619 | 17% | 89 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | pro.free.fr |
271 | Trainsweateat | 30 | 35 | 17% | 5 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | trainsweateat.com |
272 | Green Praxis | 18 | 21 | 17% | 3 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | greenpraxis.com |
273 | AML Factory | 12 | 14 | 17% | 2 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | aml-factory.com |
274 | Dataneo | 18 | 21 | 17% | 3 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | dataneo.fr |
275 | Teogest | 12 | 14 | 17% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Grand Est | teogest.fr |
276 | GitGuardian | 139 | 162 | 17% | 23 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | gitguardian.com |
277 | New Tales | 31 | 36 | 16% | 5 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | newtales.dk |
278 | Lokad | 56 | 65 | 16% | 9 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | lokad.com |
279 | Diapason | 75 | 87 | 16% | 12 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | mydiapason.com |
280 | Quantic Dream | 425 | 493 | 16% | 68 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | quanticdream.com |
281 | FittingBox | 107 | 124 | 16% | 17 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | fittingbox.com |
282 | Eurécia | 189 | 219 | 16% | 30 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | eurecia.com |
283 | HomeExchange | 95 | 110 | 16% | 15 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | homeexchange.fr |
284 | Wealthcome | 19 | 22 | 16% | 3 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | Wealthcome.fr |
285 | Flatchr | 51 | 59 | 16% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | flatchr.io |
286 | | 51 | 59 | 16% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | axeptio.eu |
287 | Alan | 919 | 1062 | 16% | 143 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | alan.eu |
288 | Juritravail | 103 | 119 | 16% | 16 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | juritravail.com |
289 | Ponera | 26 | 30 | 15% | 4 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Hauts-de-France | ponera.fr |
290 | Iroko | 52 | 60 | 15% | 8 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | iroko.eu |
291 | Papernest | 790 | 910 | 15% | 120 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | papernest.com |
292 | LOCKimmo | 20 | 23 | 15% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Hauts-de-France | lockimmo.com |
293 | OUIcoding | 20 | 23 | 15% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | ouicoding.com |
294 | Sun’R | 122 | 140 | 15% | 18 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | sunr.fr |
295 | Dougs | 240 | 275 | 15% | 35 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | dougs.fr |
296 | Scaleway | 480 | 550 | 15% | 70 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | scaleway.com |
297 | Cenareo | 48 | 55 | 15% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | cenareo.com |
298 | Leetchi | 55 | 63 | 15% | 8 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | leetchi.com |
299 | Innov8 Connect | 62 | 71 | 15% | 9 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | innov8.fr |
300 | Matawan | 223 | 255 | 14% | 32 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | matawan-mobility.com |
301 | Conexio Telecom | 28 | 32 | 14% | 4 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Occitanie | conexiotelecom.fr |
302 | Qonto | 1400 | 1600 | 14% | 200 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | Qonto.com |
303 | Lixo | 49 | 56 | 14% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | lixo.tech |
304 | Potloc | 70 | 80 | 14% | 10 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | potloc.com |
305 | Bimedoc | 14 | 16 | 14% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | bimedoc.com |
306 | Constellation | 700 | 800 | 14% | 100 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | constellation.fr |
307 | Aniel Marketplace | 42 | 48 | 14% | 6 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | anielmarketplace.com |
308 | Penbase | 21 | 24 | 14% | 3 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Occitanie | penbase.com |
309 | Idea Informatique | 21 | 24 | 14% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Normandie | idea-informatique.fr |
310 | Shape it | 92 | 105 | 14% | 13 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | shape-it.io |
311 | BlaBlaCar | 1140 | 1300 | 14% | 160 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | blablacar.fr |
312 | LeHibou | 43 | 49 | 14% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | lehibou.com |
313 | Betclic | 1131 | 1288 | 14% | 157 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | betclicgroup.com |
314 | Qualisocial | 94 | 107 | 14% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | qualisocial.com |
315 | Qubit Pharmaceuticals | 58 | 66 | 14% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | qubit-pharmaceuticals.com |
316 | BforBank | 593 | 674 | 14% | 81 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | bforbank.com |
317 | Audion | 44 | 50 | 14% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | audion.fm |
318 | Dotfile | 22 | 25 | 14% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | dotfile.com |
319 | GAC Technology | 125 | 142 | 14% | 17 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | gac-technology.com |
320 | Interstellar Lab | 59 | 67 | 14% | 8 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | interstellarlab.com |
321 | Purse | 59 | 67 | 14% | 8 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Hauts-de-France | purse.io |
322 | Daxium | 37 | 42 | 14% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | daxium.com |
323 | Strane Innovation | 15 | 17 | 13% | 2 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | strane-innovation.com |
324 | Fonts Ninja | 15 | 17 | 13% | 2 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | fonts.ninja |
325 | SynBird | 30 | 34 | 13% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | synbird.com |
326 | Brevo | 648 | 734 | 13% | 86 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | sendinblue.com |
327 | Wewyse | 61 | 69 | 13% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | wewyse.com |
328 | Gojob | 176 | 199 | 13% | 23 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | gojob.com |
329 | Virage Group | 46 | 52 | 13% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Pays de la Loire | viragegroup.com |
330 | Semji | 69 | 78 | 13% | 9 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | semji.com |
331 | Blackcrows | 85 | 96 | 13% | 11 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | black-crows.com |
332 | Jus Mundi | 86 | 97 | 13% | 11 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | jusmundi.com |
333 | Oh BiBi | 94 | 106 | 13% | 12 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | ohbibi.com |
334 | Groupe Puce & Plume | 55 | 62 | 13% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | puceplume.fr |
335 | Yogosha | 190 | 214 | 13% | 24 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | yogosha.com |
336 | AntVoice | 16 | 18 | 13% | 2 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | antvoice.com |
337 | MerciYanis | 24 | 27 | 13% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | merciyanis.com |
338 | L’Atelier | 16 | 18 | 13% | 2 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | latelier.co |
339 | Leascorp | 24 | 27 | 13% | 3 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Pays de la Loire | leascorp.fr |
340 | rzilient | 16 | 18 | 13% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | rzilient.club |
341 | Amiral Technologies | 24 | 27 | 13% | 3 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | amiraltechnologies.com |
342 | Premium Contact | 81 | 91 | 12% | 10 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | premiumcontact.fr |
343 | Cogepart | 609 | 684 | 12% | 75 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | bycogepart.fr |
344 | Planity | 407 | 457 | 12% | 50 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | planity.es |
345 | Editions Tissot | 107 | 120 | 12% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | editions-tissot.fr |
346 | Syfadis | 83 | 93 | 12% | 10 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Bretagne | syfadis.fr |
347 | Lugos | 25 | 28 | 12% | 3 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Pays de la Loire | lugos.fr |
348 | SociaNOVA | 50 | 56 | 12% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | socianova.com |
349 | Airmob | 25 | 28 | 12% | 3 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Occitanie | airmob.net |
350 | Rebellion | 42 | 47 | 12% | 5 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | rblln.fr |
351 | Cartan Trade | 17 | 19 | 12% | 2 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | cartantrade.fr |
352 | Neo-Fugu | 34 | 38 | 12% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | neo-fugu.com |
353 | Septeo | 2150 | 2400 | 12% | 250 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | septeo.com |
354 | Novaquark | 86 | 96 | 12% | 10 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | novaquark.com |
355 | AB Tasty | 320 | 357 | 12% | 37 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | abtasty.com |
356 | SPooN | 26 | 29 | 12% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | spoon.ai |
357 | Skores | 52 | 58 | 12% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | skores.com |
358 | AXS | 26 | 29 | 12% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | axs-group.com |
359 | Voodoo | 632 | 704 | 11% | 72 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | voodoo.io |
360 | Allegro DVT | 44 | 49 | 11% | 5 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | allegrodvt.com |
361 | Dood | 71 | 79 | 11% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | dood.do |
362 | Weblib | 54 | 60 | 11% | 6 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | ucopia.com |
363 | Equipages | 18 | 20 | 11% | 2 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | equipages.fr |
364 | Wingly | 18 | 20 | 11% | 2 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | wingly.io |
365 | Maeva | 180 | 200 | 11% | 20 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | maeva.com |
366 | Dealinka | 82 | 91 | 11% | 9 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | dealinka.com |
367 | Global Média Santé | 64 | 71 | 11% | 7 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | globalmediasante.fr |
368 | Foodles | 408 | 452 | 11% | 44 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | foodles.co |
369 | Empowill | 28 | 31 | 11% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | empowill.com |
370 | Elveflow Microfluidics | 28 | 31 | 11% | 3 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | elveflow.com |
371 | Placeloop | 19 | 21 | 11% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | placeloop.com |
372 | Symtrax SA | 19 | 21 | 11% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | symtrax.com |
373 | MN Santé | 38 | 42 | 11% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | mn-sante.fr |
374 | Dymasco | 48 | 53 | 10% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | dymasco.com |
375 | LegalPlace | 145 | 160 | 10% | 15 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | legalplace.fr |
376 | Elmy | 155 | 171 | 10% | 16 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | elmy.fr |
377 | Renovation Man | 68 | 75 | 10% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | renovationman.com |
378 | Elipce Bureau D’étude | 39 | 43 | 10% | 4 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | elipce.com |
379 | Kbrw | 128 | 141 | 10% | 13 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | kbrw.com |
380 | IRaiser | 69 | 76 | 10% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Pays de la Loire | iraiser.eu |
381 | Hipto | 99 | 109 | 10% | 10 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | hipto.com |
382 | Magma Technology | 20 | 22 | 10% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | magmatechnology.io |
383 | Revolt.eco | 10 | 11 | 10% | 1 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | revolt.eco |
384 | TapNation | 100 | 110 | 10% | 10 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | tap-nation.io |
385 | Inoco | 50 | 55 | 10% | 5 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | inoco.fr |
386 | Indigo Neo | 30 | 33 | 10% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | indigoneo.fr |
387 | Dataleon | 10 | 11 | 10% | 1 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | youngapp.co |
388 | ImCheck Therapeutics | 50 | 55 | 10% | 5 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | imchecktherapeutics.com |
389 | My Serious Game | 40 | 44 | 10% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Centre Val de Loire | myseriousgame.com |
390 | Notify | 50 | 55 | 10% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | notify.ag |
391 | Flying Whales | 235 | 258 | 10% | 23 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | flying-whales.com |
392 | Million Victories | 41 | 45 | 10% | 4 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | millionvictories.com |
393 | Enoé | 154 | 169 | 10% | 15 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | enoe-energie.fr |
394 | Skillup | 72 | 79 | 10% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | skillup.co |
395 | Keenat | 31 | 34 | 10% | 3 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | keenat.com |
396 | CorWave | 93 | 102 | 10% | 9 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | corwave.com |
397 | Inaxel | 31 | 34 | 10% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | inaxel.com |
398 | Jaji | 83 | 91 | 10% | 8 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | jaji.io |
399 | Beamy | 52 | 57 | 10% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | beamy.io |
400 | Ecovadis | 1629 | 1785 | 10% | 156 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | ecovadis.com |
401 | Aletiq | 21 | 23 | 10% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | aletiq.com |
402 | Mob-Energy | 42 | 46 | 10% | 4 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | mob-energy.com |
403 | Cosmo Tech | 105 | 115 | 10% | 10 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | cosmotech.com |
404 | Doriane | 63 | 69 | 10% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | doriane.com |
405 | Prozon | 42 | 46 | 10% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | prozon.com |
406 | Mindflow | 42 | 46 | 10% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | mindflow.so |
407 | Agronutris | 74 | 81 | 9% | 7 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Occitanie | agronutris.com |
408 | Nomadic Labs | 64 | 70 | 9% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | nomadic-labs.com |
409 | La Belle Vie | 215 | 235 | 9% | 20 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | labellevie.com |
410 | Naxos | 76 | 83 | 9% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | naxos.fr |
411 | Meelo | 33 | 36 | 9% | 3 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Hauts-de-France | getmeelo.com |
412 | Polar Analytics | 55 | 60 | 9% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | viveris.fr |
413 | MarketingScan | 44 | 48 | 9% | 4 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | marketingscan.fr |
414 | Sogescot | 22 | 24 | 9% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Bretagne | sogescot.com |
415 | Ciril | 235 | 256 | 9% | 21 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | ciril.net |
416 | Ecodrop | 45 | 49 | 9% | 4 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | ecodrop.net |
417 | SparingVision | 45 | 49 | 9% | 4 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | sparingvision.com |
418 | Woonoz | 57 | 62 | 9% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | woonoz.com |
419 | Agriconomie | 137 | 149 | 9% | 12 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Île-de-France | agryco.com |
420 | UMI | 343 | 373 | 9% | 30 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | umi.us |
421 | Digitaleo | 92 | 100 | 9% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | frenchfounders.com |
422 | Ringover | 230 | 250 | 9% | 20 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | ringover.com |
423 | Medialex | 93 | 101 | 9% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Bretagne | medialex.fr |
424 | Manty | 47 | 51 | 9% | 4 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | manty.eu |
425 | Worldia | 188 | 204 | 9% | 16 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | worldia.com |
426 | AVIACOMP | 71 | 77 | 8% | 6 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Occitanie | sogeclair.com |
427 | Red Alert Labs | 24 | 26 | 8% | 2 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | redalertlabs.com |
428 | Skyloud | 12 | 13 | 8% | 1 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | skyloud.fr |
429 | The Game | 36 | 39 | 8% | 3 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | thegame-france.com |
430 | Collector Square | 48 | 52 | 8% | 4 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | collectorsquare.com |
431 | Swile | 627 | 679 | 8% | 52 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | swile.fr |
432 | Sloclap | 110 | 119 | 8% | 9 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | sloclap.com |
433 | HelloAsso | 159 | 172 | 8% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | helloasso.org |
434 | Tenacy | 49 | 53 | 8% | 4 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | tenacy.io |
435 | Pixmania | 270 | 292 | 8% | 22 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | pixmania.com |
436 | Elcia Group | 160 | 173 | 8% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | elcia.com |
437 | Nextories | 37 | 40 | 8% | 3 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | nextories.com |
438 | Octime | 161 | 174 | 8% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | octime.com |
439 | Seyna | 62 | 67 | 8% | 5 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | seyna.eu |
440 | Avanci | 62 | 67 | 8% | 5 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Centre Val de Loire | avanci.fr |
441 | Gleamer | 87 | 94 | 8% | 7 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | gleamer.ai |
442 | EchOpen | 25 | 27 | 8% | 2 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | echopenfactory.com |
443 | Doctolib | 3064 | 3307 | 8% | 243 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | doctolib.fr |
444 | Toog | 190 | 205 | 8% | 15 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | toog.fr |
445 | Beetween | 89 | 96 | 8% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Bretagne | beetween.fr |
446 | Dayuse | 64 | 69 | 8% | 5 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | dayuse.com |
447 | Adagio | 64 | 69 | 8% | 5 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | nativestories.io |
448 | Ilek | 155 | 167 | 8% | 12 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Occitanie | ilek.fr |
449 | Yubo | 117 | 126 | 8% | 9 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | yubo.live |
450 | Therapanacea | 65 | 70 | 8% | 5 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | TheraPanacea.eu |
451 | Pretty Simple | 65 | 70 | 8% | 5 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | prettysimplegames.com |
452 | Libon | 66 | 71 | 8% | 5 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | libonsport.com |
453 | Blue Soft | 530 | 570 | 8% | 40 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Île-de-France | bluesoft-group.com |
454 | Probayes | 80 | 86 | 8% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | probayes.com |
455 | 360 learning | 433 | 465 | 7% | 32 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | 360learning.com |
456 | LumApps | 325 | 349 | 7% | 24 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | lumapps.com |
457 | Legalstart | 125 | 134 | 7% | 9 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | legalstart.fr |
458 | Mylight150 | 195 | 209 | 7% | 14 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | mylight150.com |
459 | Digimood | 56 | 60 | 7% | 4 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | digimood.com |
460 | Elicit Plant | 70 | 75 | 7% | 5 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | elicit-plant.com |
461 | Agendize | 28 | 30 | 7% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Grand Est | agendize.com |
462 | Ooti | 28 | 30 | 7% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | ooti.com |
463 | Axe informatique | 85 | 91 | 7% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | axeinfo.fr |
464 | Félix Informatique | 43 | 46 | 7% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Grand Est | felix.fr |
465 | BackMarket | 826 | 883 | 7% | 57 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | backmarket.fr |
466 | Codoc | 29 | 31 | 7% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | codoc.co |
467 | Stockoss | 29 | 31 | 7% | 2 | Industry & Supply (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | stockoss.com |
468 | Relyens Group | 29 | 31 | 7% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Centre Val de Loire | relyens.eu |
469 | ToHero | 29 | 31 | 7% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Occitanie | tohero.com |
470 | WeMaintain | 160 | 171 | 7% | 11 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | wemaintain.com |
471 | Novasparks | 44 | 47 | 7% | 3 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | novasparks.com |
472 | DQE Data Quality Everywhere | 44 | 47 | 7% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | dqe.tech |
473 | Via Sana | 44 | 47 | 7% | 3 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | viasana.com |
474 | Brut. | 235 | 251 | 7% | 16 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | brut.media |
475 | DentalMonitoring | 464 | 495 | 7% | 31 | HEALTHTECH (Health, MedTech, Pharma, BioTech, …) | Île-de-France | dental-monitoring.com |
476 | IOT Valley | 30 | 32 | 7% | 2 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Occitanie | iot-valley.fr |
477 | YellowScan | 60 | 64 | 7% | 4 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Occitanie | yellowscan.com |
478 | DOSIsoft | 47 | 50 | 6% | 3 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | dosisoft.com |
479 | Recommerce Group | 141 | 150 | 6% | 9 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | recommerce-group.com |
480 | CashMag | 95 | 101 | 6% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | cashmag.fr |
481 | Zenchef | 223 | 237 | 6% | 14 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | zenchef.com |
482 | Pytheas Capital – TRESO2 | 32 | 34 | 6% | 2 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | treso2.com |
483 | Happydemics | 64 | 68 | 6% | 4 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | happydemics.com |
484 | Kinomap | 32 | 34 | 6% | 2 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Hauts-de-France | kinomap.com |
485 | Calomatech | 16 | 17 | 6% | 1 | GREENTECH (Decarbonation, Energy Production, Energy Reduction, Recycling, Mobility, BTP, Smart City, AgriTech, …) | Normandie | calomatech.com |
486 | D3S | 16 | 17 | 6% | 1 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | d3s.ai |
487 | Comet | 949 | 1008 | 6% | 59 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | comet.team |
488 | Stellantis &You Paris | 98 | 104 | 6% | 6 | INDUSTRY & SUPPLY (Hardware, IoT, Robotics, SpaceTech, Defence, Supply Chain, , …) | Île-de-France | stellantisandyou.com |
489 | Layan | 33 | 35 | 6% | 2 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | layan.eu |
490 | Equativ | 248 | 263 | 6% | 15 | MARTECH (Ad-Tech, Marketing Automation, CRM, DMP & Analytics, SEO, …) | Île-de-France | equativ.com |
491 | Yousign | 215 | 228 | 6% | 13 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Normandie | yousign.com |
492 | Sarbacane By Positive | 116 | 123 | 6% | 7 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Hauts-de-France | sarbacane.com |
493 | Alma | 500 | 530 | 6% | 30 | FINTECH (Payment, PropTech, InsurTech, Crowdfunding, WealthTech, Crypto Services, …) | Île-de-France | getalma.com |
494 | Glimps | 50 | 53 | 6% | 3 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Bretagne | glimps.fr |
495 | Exotec | 906 | 960 | 6% | 54 | DEEPTECH (IA, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Quantic, …) | Hauts-de-France | exotec.com |
496 | Praxedo | 135 | 143 | 6% | 8 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Île-de-France | praxedo.fr |
497 | Transvalor | 102 | 108 | 6% | 6 | BTOB TOOLS (LegalTech, EdTech, HRTech, ATS, LMS, Collaborative Tools, …) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | transvalor.com |
498 | La Fourche | 138 | 146 | 6% | 8 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Île-de-France | lafourche.fr |
499 | Le Fourgon | 160 | 169 | 6% | 9 | DISTRIBUTION & BTOC (RetailTech, E-commerce, Marketplace, FoodTech, Luxury, …) | Hauts-de-France | lefourgon.com |
500 | Alphonse | 120 | 127 | 6% | 7 | COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT (Media, Mobile, Social Network, Sport, Gaming, Bet, Telecom, TravelTech, AR/VR, …) | Île-de-France | lestalentsdalphonse.com |